Beleggers Winkel
Forest Bergen de specialist voor Beleggers en Traders
The 7 Chart Patterns that Consistently Make Money
The 7 Chart Patterns that Consistently Make Money"
Determining market direction
Recognizing and benefiting from winning chart patterns
Mastering money management techniques including; setting Profit
Targets, Stop Loss levels and Risk:Reward ratios for every trade
Making Support and Resistance, Trendlines, Gaps, Fibonacci Retracements and other amazing technical analysis tools easy to use
The material is condensed into just 70 pages, so you can read it quickly and refer to it often.
The 7 Chart Patterns Book will indoctrinate you to The entire philosophy of SignalWatch, OmniTrader, and the 3 Step Process for Successful Investing.
After studying the markets for 20+ years, I have come down to these 7 patterns as the key predictors of direction, in any market...if you confirm your entries with these simple patterns, you'll be light years ahead of the average investor.
-- Ed Downs, CEO and Founder
OmniTrader by Nirvana Systems
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