Strategy Wizzard
Create Profitable Trading Strategies with Ease!
CREATE profitable New Strategies with minimal effort. TUNE existing Strategies for maximum profi tability. ADJUST Strategies to changing market conditions. ADAPT Strategies to specifi c lists to be traded. Learn how to achieve maximum profi tability in our Creating Brochure
Great Trading Strategies with Strategy Wizard Using OmniTrader, you can quickly create a Strategy with a few Trading Systems, a Filter, a Confirmer and an Exit method. Or, alter one that is already there. Then, let Strategy Wizard work on your creation to find the “magic” in it. If there is a good Strategy inside your idea, Strategy Wizard can find it!

Let Strategy Wizard Create the Magic
As a student of the market, you may read a concept in a magazine or hear about one in a seminar that you want to try, but you are not sure how to put it together. Using OmniTrader, you can quickly create a Strategy with a few Trading Systems, a Filter, a Confirmer and an Exit method. Or, alter one that is already there. Then, let Strategy Wizard work on your creation to fi nd the “magic” in it. If there is a good Strategy inside your idea, Strategy Wizard can find it!
Tune Your Strategies to YOUR List!
Strategies are typically tested on standard lists like the S&P 100. If you are trading stocks in the Russell 1000, your Stops will be better if you tune your Strategies to that list. If you are trading highly volatile stocks for Options plays, you will want your Trading Systems to fi re more often, and hence will want your Strategy Filters to be looser. But you don’t have to fi gure this out because Strategy Wizard can do it! You can set Strategy Wizard to seek out the best values for EVERYTHING in a Strategy. Even if you adjust 5 or 10 variables in your Strategy, Strategy Wizard can find the best combination in a short amount of time, thanks to the amazing FAST SEARCH algorithm built into its logic.
Perform Periodic Tune-Ups to Adjust to Changing Market Conditions
We all know that markets are not static—they are changing all the time. With Strategy Wizard, you can literally “re-tune” all your Strategies monthly or even weekly, getting the best possible parameters that refl ect movement in the current market. Since it is 100% automated, you can just fi re it up every Sunday and be trading with the best of the best on Monday. What is this kind of power worth in your trading? A lot!
THE MAGIC OF STRATEGY WIZARD To demonstrate the power of Strategy Wizard, we created a very simple Strategy using the MAC-M System confi rmed by the VTY-B System, with a Fixed Loss Stop and Trailing Profit Stop. The Strategy, as created, generated a Hit Rate of just 46% and an average loss of 0.12% per trade.
 We then asked Strategy Wizard to fi nd the best Stop Values to use by testing across the entire S&P 100 list. The results are amazing, but typical of what Strategy Wizard can do. After “tuning” the exits, the Strategy generated a Hit Rate of over 72% and an average Profit per Trade of 0.84%.

Strategy Wizard Finds Robust Solutions When improving or creating Strategies, we want to make sure we arrive at a robust solution. For example, if we choose a value for a Stop Loss or Trailing Profi t Cushion based on Profit per Trade, we want to make sure we are not using a single value that happened to work. How do we do this? By looking at values AROUND the solution. A simple surface plot is generated by Strategy Wizard to provide this information. By plotting Profi t per Trade against two variables (like Fixed Loss Stop and Trailing Profi t Cushion) we can see if the values are profi table around the solution we will use for our trading. Reading these plots is easy—we show you how in our comprehensive Strategy Wizard seminar (see below).
