What is the SDK? The SDK includes all the components required for a Visual Basic programmer to write new Trading Systems, Indicators, and Exits for OmniTrader. If you are already an SDK Developer click here to access the developers section of the SDK site.
As a Nirvana SDK Developer, you get the following:
SDK Manual & Support - Documentation on how to write systems, indicators, and exits for OmniTrader.
Sample Visual Basic Project - Contains a Sample System, Sample Indicator, Sample Filter, and Sample Exit. Just modify the code in one or more of the sample classes, and you are up and running. Step by step instructions included.
The SDK Developers Forum - A robust forum where Systems Developers can engage in dialog with other system developers, in a free-flowing private environment.
Royalty Free Distribution - As a licensed Systems Developer, you are free to distribute copies of the systems you create with the SDK. |

Marketing - If you develop a great system for OmniTrader, Nirvana may elect to market it to its OmniTrader customer base. The SDK manual includes instructions on how to submit systems for consideration by Nirvana Systems, Inc.
Support - We provide 30 days of free technical support to help programmers get up and running with the SDK . | |
What Skills are Needed? The Nirvana SDK is completely implemented in Visual Basic 6.0. Any programmer who has written software in Visual Basic 6.0 should be able to write their own systems, indicators, and exits very quickly using the SDK.
Non-Programmers: There are many talented system writers in the Nirvana user community. Nirvana can post your request to the Nirvana SDK Developer's Forum on your behalf. Please send an email to sdk@nirvsys.com with "New System" in the title.
Is the SDK Guaranteed? We guarantee that any Visual Basic programmer will be able to write Systems, Indicators, Filters and Exits for OmniTrader using the SDK (we provide support to get you going). The purchase price of the SDK is a license fee, and as such is non-refundable.
How Much Support Is Provided? The SDK comes with full documentation and 30 days' free technical support to get a programmer up and running. This support covers any issues connecting OmniTrader to an external system written according to the SDK. Most programmers are running and writing systems within an hour or two of receiving the materials.
Royalty Free Distribution! No license fees are required to distribute or sell trading systems written in the SDK. |